Aviation Infrastructure

At Sinacola, we are committed to providing exceptional service and quality work. The Aviation Division offers Sinacola a plethora of new opportunities. Our experience in TechSpot and NTTA projects has prepared us well for the work involved in the Aviation Division. In fact, we have the crews and the capability in our other divisions to take on projects that may be more challenging or demanding. One of our biggest advantages is that we possess equipment that is now a mandatory requirement by the FAA for construction projects. This equipment is only available with one other company in the Metroplex. We are fully equipped to undertake excavation, and sub-grade work, such as lime or cement-treated sub-grade, concrete paving, and cement-treated base.

We have already accomplished these tasks in our other divisions, and all we need to do is apply our expertise to the aviation projects that meet the FAA’s specifications. Our proven track record and experienced personnel make us the perfect choice for any aviation-related project.